Update the EDSP with the services required for the system to function.
Navigate to Administrator Tools >> Services and disable or remove any services that are not required.
Review the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP).
Note: Required services will vary between organizations and will vary depending on the role of the individual system. Organizations will develop their own list of services, which will be documented and justified with the ISSO. The site’s list will be provided for any security review. Services that are common to multiple systems can be addressed in one document. Exceptions for individual systems should be identified separately by system.
Open a Windows PowerShell and enter the following command:
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'running'}
Note: The command returns a list of installed services and the status of that service.
If the services required are not documented in the EDSP or undocumented or unnecessary services are running, this is a finding.
Review the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP).
Note: Required services will vary between organizations and will vary depending on the role of the individual system. Organizations will develop their own list of services, which will be documented and justified with the ISSO. The site’s list will be provided for any security review. Services that are common to multiple systems can be addressed in one document. Exceptions for individual systems should be identified separately by system.
Open a Windows PowerShell and enter the following command:
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'running'}
Note: The command returns a list of installed services and the status of that service.
If the services required are not documented in the EDSP or undocumented or unnecessary services are running, this is a finding.