Obtain and install the DoD PKI CA certificate bundles by accessing the DoD PKI office website at
Import the DoD CA certificates.
This is a mutual authentication requirement where both the Tomcat server and the client are required to authenticate themselves via mutual TLS. Review system security plan and other system documentation. If the system has no connections requiring mutual authentication (e.g., proxy servers or other hosts specified in the system documentation), this requirement is NA.
For the systemd Ubuntu OS, check the tomcat.service file to read the content of the JAVA_OPTS environment variable setting.
sudo cat /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service |grep -i truststore
EXAMPLE output:
set JAVA_OPTS="" "************"
If the variable is not set, use the default location command below. If the variable is set, use the alternate location command below and include the path and truststore file.
-Default location:
keytool -list -cacerts -v | grep -i issuer
-Alternate location:
keytool -list -keystore <location of trust store file> -v |grep -i issuer
If there are no CA certificates issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) that is part of the DoD PKI/PKE, this is a finding.
This is a mutual authentication requirement where both the Tomcat server and the client are required to authenticate themselves via mutual TLS. Review system security plan and other system documentation. If the system has no connections requiring mutual authentication (e.g., proxy servers or other hosts specified in the system documentation), this requirement is NA.
For the systemd Ubuntu OS, check the tomcat.service file to read the content of the JAVA_OPTS environment variable setting.
sudo cat /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service |grep -i truststore
EXAMPLE output:
set JAVA_OPTS="" "************"
If the variable is not set, use the default location command below. If the variable is set, use the alternate location command below and include the path and truststore file.
-Default location:
keytool -list -cacerts -v | grep -i issuer
-Alternate location:
keytool -list -keystore <location of trust store file> -v |grep -i issuer
If there are no CA certificates issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) that is part of the DoD PKI/PKE, this is a finding.