Review access authorization to critical system files. Evaluate the impact of correcting the deficiency. Develop a plan of action and implement the changes as required to protect System-level product installation libraries.
Configure allocate access to all system-level product execution libraries to be limited to system programmers only.
Have the systems programmer for z/OS supply the following information:
- The data set name and associated SREL for each SMP/E CSI utilized to maintain this system.
- The data set name of all SMP/E TLIBs and DLIBs used for installation and production support. A comprehensive list of the SMP/E DDDEFs for all CSIs may be used if valid.
The ESM data set rules for system-level product installation libraries (e.g., SMP/E CSIs) do not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to only z/OS systems programming personnel.
If all of the above are untrue, this is not a finding.
If any of the above is true, or if these data sets cannot be identified due to a lack of requested information, this is a finding.
Have the systems programmer for z/OS supply the following information:
- The data set name and associated SREL for each SMP/E CSI utilized to maintain this system.
- The data set name of all SMP/E TLIBs and DLIBs used for installation and production support. A comprehensive list of the SMP/E DDDEFs for all CSIs may be used if valid.
The ESM data set rules for system-level product installation libraries (e.g., SMP/E CSIs) do not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to only z/OS systems programming personnel.
If all of the above are untrue, this is not a finding.
If any of the above is true, or if these data sets cannot be identified due to a lack of requested information, this is a finding.