Review access authorization to critical system files.
Evaluate the impact of correcting the deficiency.
Develop a plan of action and implement the changes as required to protect the MASTER CATALOG.
Configure the ESM rules for system catalog to only allow access above “READ” to systems programmers and those authorized by the ISSM/ISSO.
Configure ESM rules for the master catalog to allow access above “READ” to systems programmers ONLY.
Configure ESM rules for the master catalog to allow any products or procedures system programmer access for system-level maintenance that meets the following specific case:
- The batch job or procedure must be documented in the SITE Security Plan.
- Reside in a data set that is restricted to systems programmers’ access only.
All greater than read access must be logged.
Refer to SYSCATxx member of SYS1.NUCLEUS.
Multiple SYSCATxx members may be defined. If so, refer to Master Catalog message for IPL.
If the member is not found, refer to the appropriate LOADxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
If data set rules for the Master Catalog do not restrict greater than “READ” access to only z/OS systems programming personnel, this is a finding.
If Products or procedures requiring system programmer access for system-level maintenance meet the following specific case, this is not a finding:
- The batch job or procedure must be documented in the SITE Security Plan.
- Reside in a data set that is restricted to systems programmers’ access only.
If dataset rules for the Master Catalog do not specify that all (i.e., failures and successes) greater than “READ” access will be logged, this is a finding.
Refer to SYSCATxx member of SYS1.NUCLEUS.
Multiple SYSCATxx members may be defined. If so, refer to Master Catalog message for IPL.
If the member is not found, refer to the appropriate LOADxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
If data set rules for the Master Catalog do not restrict greater than “READ” access to only z/OS systems programming personnel, this is a finding.
If Products or procedures requiring system programmer access for system-level maintenance meet the following specific case, this is not a finding:
- The batch job or procedure must be documented in the SITE Security Plan.
- Reside in a data set that is restricted to systems programmers’ access only.
If dataset rules for the Master Catalog do not specify that all (i.e., failures and successes) greater than “READ” access will be logged, this is a finding.