Bind the container port to a specific host interface on the desired host port.
docker run --detach --publish nginx
In the example above, the container port 80 is bound to the host port on 49153 and would accept incoming connection only from external interface.
Ensure incoming container traffic is bound to a specific host interface.
This check should be executed on all nodes in a Docker Enterprise cluster.
via CLI:
Linux: As a Docker EE Admin, execute the following command using a Universal Control Plane (UCP) client bundle to list all the running instances of containers and their port mapping:
docker ps --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{ .Id }}: Ports={{ .NetworkSettings.Ports }}'
Review the list and ensure that the exposed container ports are tied to a particular interface and not to the wildcard IP address - If they are, then this is a finding.
For example, if the above command returns as below the container can accept connections on any host interface on the specified port 49153, this is a finding.
Ports=map[443/TCP:<nil> 80/TCP:[map[HostPort:49153 HostIp:]]]
However, if the exposed port is tied to a particular interface on the host as below, then this recommendation is configured as desired and is compliant.
Ports=map[443/TCP:<nil> 80/TCP:[map[HostIp: HostPort:49153]]]
Ensure incoming container traffic is bound to a specific host interface.
This check should be executed on all nodes in a Docker Enterprise cluster.
via CLI:
Linux: As a Docker EE Admin, execute the following command using a Universal Control Plane (UCP) client bundle to list all the running instances of containers and their port mapping:
docker ps --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{ .Id }}: Ports={{ .NetworkSettings.Ports }}'
Review the list and ensure that the exposed container ports are tied to a particular interface and not to the wildcard IP address - If they are, then this is a finding.
For example, if the above command returns as below the container can accept connections on any host interface on the specified port 49153, this is a finding.
Ports=map[443/TCP:<nil> 80/TCP:[map[HostPort:49153 HostIp:]]]
However, if the exposed port is tied to a particular interface on the host as below, then this recommendation is configured as desired and is compliant.
Ports=map[443/TCP:<nil> 80/TCP:[map[HostIp: HostPort:49153]]]