This fix only applies to the DTR component of Docker Enterprise.
Integrate DTR with a trusted CA.
via UI:
In the DTR web console, navigate to "System" | "General" and click on the "Show TLS Settings" link in the "Domain & Proxies" section. Fill in the "TLS Root CA" field with the contents of the trusted CA certificate. Assuming the user has generated a server certificate from that CA for DTR, also fill in the "TLS Certificate Chain" and "TLS Private Key" fields with the contents of the public/private certificates respectively. The "TLS Certificate Chain" field must include both the DTR server certificate and any intermediate certificates. Click on the "Save" button.
via CLI:
Linux: Execute the following command as a superuser on one of the UCP Manager nodes in the cluster:
docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:[dtr_version] reconfigure --dtr-ca "$(cat [ca.pem])" --dtr-cert "$(cat [dtr_cert.pem])" --dtr-key "$(cat [dtr_private_key.pem])"
This check only applies to the DTR component of Docker Enterprise.
Check that DTR has been integrated with a trusted CA.
via UI:
In the DTR web console, navigate to "System" | "General" and click on the "Show TLS settings" link in the "Domain & Proxies" section. Verify the certificate chain in "TLS Root CA" box is valid and matches that of the trusted CA.
via CLI:
Linux: Execute the following command and verify the certificate chain in the output is valid and matches that of the trusted CA:
echo "" | openssl s_client -connect [dtr_url]:443 | openssl x509 -noout -text
If the certificate chain is not valid or does not match the trusted CA, this is a finding.
This check only applies to the DTR component of Docker Enterprise.
Check that DTR has been integrated with a trusted CA.
via UI:
In the DTR web console, navigate to "System" | "General" and click on the "Show TLS settings" link in the "Domain & Proxies" section. Verify the certificate chain in "TLS Root CA" box is valid and matches that of the trusted CA.
via CLI:
Linux: Execute the following command and verify the certificate chain in the output is valid and matches that of the trusted CA:
echo "" | openssl s_client -connect [dtr_url]:443 | openssl x509 -noout -text
If the certificate chain is not valid or does not match the trusted CA, this is a finding.