From the vSphere Client, select the ESXi host and right-click. Select the "Add Diagnostic Partition" option to configure a core dump diagnostic partition.
From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the ESXi host, run at least one of the following sets of commands:
To configure a core dump partition:
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -v2
#View available partitions to configure
$arguments = $esxcli.system.coredump.partition.set.CreateArgs()
$arguments.partition = "<NAA ID of target partition from output listed previously>"
#You can't set the partition and enable it at the same time so now we can enable it
$arguments = $esxcli.system.coredump.partition.set.CreateArgs()
$arguments.enable = $true
To configure a core dump collector:
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -v2
$arguments = $
$arguments.interfacename = "<vmkernel port to use>"
$arguments.serverip = "<collector IP>"
$arguments.serverport = "<collector port>"
$arguments = $$arguments)
$arguments = $
$arguments.enable = $true
$arguments = $$arguments)
From the vSphere Client, select the ESXi host and right-click.
If the "Add Diagnostic Partition" option is greyed out, core dumps are configured.
From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the ESXi host, run the following commands:
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -v2
The first command prepares for the other two. The second command shows whether an active core dump partition is configured. The third command shows whether a network core dump collector is configured and enabled via the "HostVNic", "NetworkServerIP", "NetworkServerPort", and "Enabled" variables.
If there is no active core dump partition or the network core dump collector is not configured and enabled, this is a finding.
From the vSphere Client, select the ESXi host and right-click.
If the "Add Diagnostic Partition" option is greyed out, core dumps are configured.
From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the ESXi host, run the following commands:
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -v2
The first command prepares for the other two. The second command shows whether an active core dump partition is configured. The third command shows whether a network core dump collector is configured and enabled via the "HostVNic", "NetworkServerIP", "NetworkServerPort", and "Enabled" variables.
If there is no active core dump partition or the network core dump collector is not configured and enabled, this is a finding.