STIGQter STIGQter: STIG Summary: Traditional Security Checklist Version: 1 Release: 3 Benchmark Date: 15 Jun 2020:

Information Assurance - KVM or A/B Switch not listed on the NIAP U.S. Government Approved Protection Products Compliance List (PCL) for Peripheral Sharing Switches



Vulnerability Number


Group Title

Information Assurance - KVM or A/B Switch Not NIAP Validated

Rule Version







Fix Recommendation

1. All KVM or A/B switches that switch from NIPR to SIPR - or other low side to high side systems being reviewed must be on the most current approved NIAP Product Compliance List (PCL) or on the latest DSAWG approved list or otherwise comply with DSAWG guidance for use for switching between high side and low side devices.

2. Any unapproved switch boxes in use (switching from NIPR to SIPR) must have specific approval for use and be addressed in the SIPRNet Approval to Connect (ATC) or IATC from the Classified Connection Approval Office (CCAO).


A KVM used for switching between high (SIPRNet) and low (NIPRNet) shared devices must meet one or both of the following basic criteria:

a. Be on the NIAP Products Compliance List (PCL) (AKA: Validated Products List (VPL)) AND meet any configuration requirements as directed in the "Keyboard, Video, Mouse Switch Security STIG" formerly called the "Sharing Peripherals Across the Network STIG" as the minimum requirement to be used on the DoDIN. This is based on slide #2 of the DSAWG guidance.

b. Based on slide #3 of the DSAWG guidance an additional requirement of being on one of the specified Intelligence Community (IC) approved products lists or on the DSAWG Approved KVM list may be used for switching between peripheral devices across high/low (SIPR/NIPR) domains.

Check Contents

1. Check all KVM or A/B switches that switch from NIPR to SIPR - or other low side to high side systems being reviewed.

2. Ensure switches are on the most current approved NIAP Product Compliance List (PCL) or are on the latest DSAWG approved list or otherwise comply with DSAWG guidance for use for switching between high side and low side devices.

3. Check to ensure that any unapproved switch boxes in use have specific approval for use in the SIPRNet Approval to Connect (ATC) or (IATC) from the Classified Connection Approval Office (CCAO).


A KVM used for switching between high (SIPRNet) and low (NIPRNet) shared devices must meet one or both of the following basic criteria:

a. Be on the NIAP Products Compliance List (PCL) (AKA: Validated Products List (VPL)) AND meet any configuration requirements as directed in the "Keyboard, Video, Mouse Switch Security STIG" formerly called the "Sharing Peripherals Across the Network STIG" as the minimum requirement to be used on the DoDIN. This is based on slide #2 of the DSAWG guidance.

b. Based on slide #3 of the DSAWG guidance an additional requirement of being on one of the specified Intelligence Community (IC) approved products lists or on the DSAWG Approved KVM list may be used for switching between peripheral devices across high/low (SIPR/NIPR) domains.

TACTICAL ENVIRONMENT: The check is applicable where KVM devices are in use.

Vulnerability Number




Rule Version


Severity Override Guidance

1. Check all KVM or A/B switches that switch from NIPR to SIPR - or other low side to high side systems being reviewed.

2. Ensure switches are on the most current approved NIAP Product Compliance List (PCL) or are on the latest DSAWG approved list or otherwise comply with DSAWG guidance for use for switching between high side and low side devices.

3. Check to ensure that any unapproved switch boxes in use have specific approval for use in the SIPRNet Approval to Connect (ATC) or (IATC) from the Classified Connection Approval Office (CCAO).


A KVM used for switching between high (SIPRNet) and low (NIPRNet) shared devices must meet one or both of the following basic criteria:

a. Be on the NIAP Products Compliance List (PCL) (AKA: Validated Products List (VPL)) AND meet any configuration requirements as directed in the "Keyboard, Video, Mouse Switch Security STIG" formerly called the "Sharing Peripherals Across the Network STIG" as the minimum requirement to be used on the DoDIN. This is based on slide #2 of the DSAWG guidance.

b. Based on slide #3 of the DSAWG guidance an additional requirement of being on one of the specified Intelligence Community (IC) approved products lists or on the DSAWG Approved KVM list may be used for switching between peripheral devices across high/low (SIPR/NIPR) domains.

TACTICAL ENVIRONMENT: The check is applicable where KVM devices are in use.

Check Content Reference


Target Key

