STIGQter STIGQter: STIG Summary: Traditional Security Checklist Version: 1 Release: 3 Benchmark Date: 15 Jun 2020:

Classified Destruction - Hard Drive and Storage Media Sanitization Devices and Plans are not Available for disposal of Automated Information System (AIS) Equipment On-Hand



Vulnerability Number


Group Title

Classified Destruction - Media Sanitization Devices and Plans not Available for AIS On-Hand

Rule Version







Fix Recommendation

Ensure there is equipment and/or plans for the destruction of classified or sensitive systems and media used by the site or organization.


1. If used by the site are hard drive and tape degaussers periodically tested and certified as required by the manufacturer?

2. Are appropriate wipe products available for classified systems or spillage incidents?

3. Is there an approved product (such as the Whitaker Brothers Inc. Datastroyer) on-hand to properly remove readable surfaces from optical media such as CDs or DVDs?

4. Is all obsolete classified equipment and media properly secured in a safe, vault or secure room until properly disposed of?

5. In the event the site has limited or no destruction equipment are there plans or arrangements to take classified material to NSA for proper disposal or another DoD organization who has destruction equipment and has agreed to provide support for destruction of classified?

6. Are there appropriate transportation and/or shipping arrangements to ensure the classified material is properly protected while in transit to the destruction facility?

Check Contents

Check to ensure there is equipment and/or plans for the destruction of classified or sensitive systems and media used by the site or organization. Lack of appropriate equipment to properly sanitize the classified media used or lack of plans for disposal and/or proper protection in transit to a disposal facility will result in a finding.


Check #1. If used by the site are hard drive and tape degaussers periodically tested and certified as required by the manufacturer?

Check #2. Are appropriate wipe products available for classified systems or spillage incidents?

Check #3. Is there an approved product (such as the Whitaker Brothers Inc. Datastroyer) on-hand to properly remove readable surfaces from optical media such as CDs or DVDs?

Check #4. Is all obsolete classified equipment and media properly secured in a safe, vault or secure room until properly disposed of? (Note: This would be a CAT I finding under the appropriate "storage" vulnerability)

Check #5. In the event the site has limited or no destruction equipment: Are there plans or arrangements to take classified material to NSA for proper disposal or another DoD organization who has destruction equipment and has agreed to provide support for destruction of classified?

Check #6. Are there appropriate transportation and/or shipping arrangements to ensure the classified material is properly protected while in transit to the destruction facility?
TACTICAL ENVIRONMENT: Applies in all environments whenever classified documents or materials are to be destroyed.

Vulnerability Number




Rule Version


Severity Override Guidance

Check to ensure there is equipment and/or plans for the destruction of classified or sensitive systems and media used by the site or organization. Lack of appropriate equipment to properly sanitize the classified media used or lack of plans for disposal and/or proper protection in transit to a disposal facility will result in a finding.


Check #1. If used by the site are hard drive and tape degaussers periodically tested and certified as required by the manufacturer?

Check #2. Are appropriate wipe products available for classified systems or spillage incidents?

Check #3. Is there an approved product (such as the Whitaker Brothers Inc. Datastroyer) on-hand to properly remove readable surfaces from optical media such as CDs or DVDs?

Check #4. Is all obsolete classified equipment and media properly secured in a safe, vault or secure room until properly disposed of? (Note: This would be a CAT I finding under the appropriate "storage" vulnerability)

Check #5. In the event the site has limited or no destruction equipment: Are there plans or arrangements to take classified material to NSA for proper disposal or another DoD organization who has destruction equipment and has agreed to provide support for destruction of classified?

Check #6. Are there appropriate transportation and/or shipping arrangements to ensure the classified material is properly protected while in transit to the destruction facility?
TACTICAL ENVIRONMENT: Applies in all environments whenever classified documents or materials are to be destroyed.

Check Content Reference


Target Key

