Configure authentication to be enabled for every protocol that affects the routing or forwarding tables.
To configure BGP authentication, in the BGP configuration mode interface, when adding neighbors, include the following statement:
neighbor [ip address] password [type] [password]
For OSPF, under the interface configuration mode, enter the following commands:
ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf authentication-key [type] [key]
To Globally Configure IS-IS Authentication, use:
router isis [instance number] authentication mode md5 [level 1 | level 2] authentication key [0|7] [key string] [level 1 | level 2]
Where level 1 and level 2 variable specify the authentication to be used for each type or ISIS router, the ISIS instance number is the routing protocol instance, the variables 0 and 7 represent an encrypted or unencrypted key string, and the key string is the text for the encryption string. Global configuration authenticates ISIS LSPs, CSNPs and PSNPs.
Interface configuration authenticates ISIS Hello PDUs, and is configured as such:
interface [ethernet | port-channel | vlan] [X]
isis authentication mode md5
isis authentication key [0|7] [text]
Review the router configuration; for every protocol that affects the routing or forwarding tables (where information is exchanged between neighbors), verify that neighbor router authentication is enabled.
For BGP, this can be verified via the "show running-config" command and validating that any configured neighbor has an associated password statement. For OSPF, under the interface configuration mode, verify the following statements are configured:
ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf message-digest-key [number] md5 [type] [key]
For IS-IS, under the interface configuration mode, verify the following statements are configured:
isis authentication mode md5 [level-1|level-2]
isis authentication key [key-string] [level-1|level-2]
Alternatively, under “show isis interface” the authentication mode on the interface must show as being set to MD5.
Additionally, the global IS-IS router configuration must be set. From the output of “show isis summary” verify that the authentication mode for Level-1 and/or Level-2 as applicable, is set to MD5.
If authentication is not enabled for BGP, OSPF, and IS-IS, this is a finding.
Review the router configuration; for every protocol that affects the routing or forwarding tables (where information is exchanged between neighbors), verify that neighbor router authentication is enabled.
For BGP, this can be verified via the "show running-config" command and validating that any configured neighbor has an associated password statement. For OSPF, under the interface configuration mode, verify the following statements are configured:
ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf message-digest-key [number] md5 [type] [key]
For IS-IS, under the interface configuration mode, verify the following statements are configured:
isis authentication mode md5 [level-1|level-2]
isis authentication key [key-string] [level-1|level-2]
Alternatively, under “show isis interface” the authentication mode on the interface must show as being set to MD5.
Additionally, the global IS-IS router configuration must be set. From the output of “show isis summary” verify that the authentication mode for Level-1 and/or Level-2 as applicable, is set to MD5.
If authentication is not enabled for BGP, OSPF, and IS-IS, this is a finding.