Request a CNSS or DoD Class 3 or Class 4 certificate and add it to the keystore to be used for PKI communication.
Interview the administrator to determine if ColdFusion is using certificates for PKI. If ColdFusion is not performing any PKI functions, this finding is not applicable.
The CA certs are usually stored in a file called cacerts located in the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security. If the file is not in this location, use a search command to locate the file or ask the administrator where the certificate store is located.
Open a dos shell or terminal window and change to the location of the certificate store. To view the certificates within the certificate store, run the command (In this example, the keystore file is cacerts.): keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts
Locate the "OU" field for each certificate within the keystore. The field should contain either DoD or CNSS as the Organizational Unit (OU).
If the OU does not show that the certificates are DoD or CNSS supplied, this is a finding.
Interview the administrator to determine if ColdFusion is using certificates for PKI. If ColdFusion is not performing any PKI functions, this finding is not applicable.
The CA certs are usually stored in a file called cacerts located in the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security. If the file is not in this location, use a search command to locate the file or ask the administrator where the certificate store is located.
Open a dos shell or terminal window and change to the location of the certificate store. To view the certificates within the certificate store, run the command (In this example, the keystore file is cacerts.): keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts
Locate the "OU" field for each certificate within the keystore. The field should contain either DoD or CNSS as the Organizational Unit (OU).
If the OU does not show that the certificates are DoD or CNSS supplied, this is a finding.