To configure SNMPv3 alert notifications, use this sequence of operations to create and enable an SNMPv3 user, and create associated keys for authentication and privacy:
First, create the "3parsnmpuser" on the host with the following command:
cli% createuser 3parsnmpuser all browse
Enter the password and retype the password to confirm.
Next, create the snmp user and associate that with the "3parsnmpuser" account on the host.
cli% createsnmpuser 3parsnmpuser
Enter the password and retype the password to confirm.
Finally, add the IP address of the SNMPv3 trap recipient, where the permissions of the account are used:
cli% addsnmpmgr -pw <password> -version 3 -snmpuser 3parsnmpuser <ip address>
Verify a SNMPv3 user account is configured. Run the following command:
cli% showsnmpuser
Username | AuthProtocol | PrivProtocol
3parsnmpuser | HMAC SHA 96 | CFB128 AES 128
If the output is not displayed in the above format, this is a finding.
Identify the SNMP trap recipient and report SNMP configuration with the following command:
cli% showsnmpmgr
HostIP | Port | SNMPVersion | User
<snmp trap recipient IP> | 162 | 3 | 3parsnmpuser
If the SNMP trap recipient IP address is incorrect, this is a finding.
If the SNMP port is not "162", this is a finding.
If the SNMP version is not "3", this is a finding.
If the SNMP user ID is incorrect, this is a finding.
Generate a test trap:
cli% checksnmp
Trap sent to the following managers:
< IP address of trap recipient>
If the response does not indicate a trap was successfully sent, this is a finding.
Verify a SNMPv3 user account is configured. Run the following command:
cli% showsnmpuser
Username | AuthProtocol | PrivProtocol
3parsnmpuser | HMAC SHA 96 | CFB128 AES 128
If the output is not displayed in the above format, this is a finding.
Identify the SNMP trap recipient and report SNMP configuration with the following command:
cli% showsnmpmgr
HostIP | Port | SNMPVersion | User
<snmp trap recipient IP> | 162 | 3 | 3parsnmpuser
If the SNMP trap recipient IP address is incorrect, this is a finding.
If the SNMP port is not "162", this is a finding.
If the SNMP version is not "3", this is a finding.
If the SNMP user ID is incorrect, this is a finding.
Generate a test trap:
cli% checksnmp
Trap sent to the following managers:
< IP address of trap recipient>
If the response does not indicate a trap was successfully sent, this is a finding.