Log on to the MQ appliance WebGUI as an admin user. Click Administration (gear icon) >> Access. Select User Account and User Group options.
Configure no local accounts other than the Fallback user emergency account.
Change the local Fallback user account password whenever MQ admin team members leave the group or no longer require access.
Log on to the MQ appliance WebGUI as an admin user. Click Administration (gear icon) >> Access. Select User Account and User Group options.
Review user names that are displayed.
Local user accounts should not be shared. The only exception is the local "Fallback" user account of last resort, which is used for emergency access.
Verify that no user accounts other than the designated Fallback user emergency account exist or are shared.
Verify the local Fallback user password is changed whenever MQ administrators leave the team and no longer have a need to access the MQ device.
If any user accounts other than the Fallback user exist or are shared, or if the local Fallback user password is not changed when MQ admins leave the team/group, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ appliance WebGUI as an admin user. Click Administration (gear icon) >> Access. Select User Account and User Group options.
Review user names that are displayed.
Local user accounts should not be shared. The only exception is the local "Fallback" user account of last resort, which is used for emergency access.
Verify that no user accounts other than the designated Fallback user emergency account exist or are shared.
Verify the local Fallback user password is changed whenever MQ administrators leave the team and no longer have a need to access the MQ device.
If any user accounts other than the Fallback user exist or are shared, or if the local Fallback user password is not changed when MQ admins leave the team/group, this is a finding.