STIGQter STIGQter: STIG Summary:

Tanium 7.3 Security Technical Implementation Guide

Version: 2

Release: 1 Benchmark Date: 22 Jan 2021

SV-234031r612749_ruleTanium must centrally review and analyze audit records from multiple components within the system.
SV-234032r612749_ruleTanium must implement organization-defined automated security responses if baseline configurations are changed in an unauthorized manner.
SV-234033r612749_ruleTanium must employ a deny-all, permit-by-exception (whitelist) policy to allow the execution of authorized software programs.
SV-234034r612749_ruleThe vulnerability scanning application must implement privileged access authorization to all Tanium information systems and infrastructure components for selected organization-defined vulnerability scanning activities.
SV-234035r612749_ruleThe Tanium endpoint must have the Tanium Servers public key in its installation.
SV-234036r612749_ruleAccess to Tanium logs on each endpoint must be restricted by permissions.
SV-234037r612749_ruleThe Tanium cryptographic signing capabilities must be enabled on the Tanium Clients to safeguard the authenticity of communications sessions when answering requests from the Tanium Server.
SV-234038r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Endpoints for Client-to-Server communications.
SV-234039r612749_ruleControl of the Tanium Client service must be restricted to SYSTEM access only for all managed clients.
SV-234040r612749_ruleThe ability to uninstall the Tanium Client service must be disabled on all managed clients.
SV-234041r612749_ruleThe permissions on the Tanium Client directory must be restricted to only the SYSTEM account on all managed clients.
SV-234042r612749_ruleTanium endpoint files must be excluded from on-access antivirus actions.
SV-234043r612749_ruleThe Tanium Client Deployment Tool (CDT) must not be configured to use the psexec method of deployment.
SV-234044r612749_ruleTanium endpoint files must be protected from file encryption actions.
SV-234045r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must restrict the ability of individuals to place too much impact upon the network, which might result in a Denial of Service (DoS) event on the network by using RandomSensorDelayInSeconds.
SV-234046r612749_ruleTanium endpoint files must be excluded from host-based intrusion prevention intervention.
SV-234047r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must retain the session lock until the user reestablishes access using established identification and authentication procedures.
SV-234048r612749_ruleThe Tanium Application Server must be configured with a connector to sync to Microsoft Active Directory for account management functions.
SV-234049r612749_ruleThe Tanium Application Server must be configured to only use Microsoft Active Directory for account management functions.
SV-234050r612749_ruleTanium Computer Groups must be used to restrict console users from affecting changes to unauthorized computers.
SV-234051r612749_ruleDocumentation identifying Tanium console users, their respective functional roles, and computer groups must be maintained.
SV-234052r612749_ruleRole-based system access must be configured to least privileged access to Tanium Server functions through the Tanium interface.
SV-234053r612749_ruleTanium console users User Roles must be validated against the documentation for User Roles.
SV-234054r612749_ruleDocumentation identifying Tanium console users and their respective Computer Group rights must be maintained.
SV-234055r612749_ruleTanium console users Computer Group rights must be validated against the documentation for Computer Group rights.
SV-234056r612749_ruleCommon Access Card (CAC)-based authentication must be enabled on the Tanium Server for network access with privileged accounts.
SV-234057r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Console-to-Server communications.
SV-234058r612749_ruleThe publicly accessible Tanium application must display the Standard Mandatory DoD Notice and Consent Banner before granting access to the application.
SV-234059r612749_ruleTanium must alert the ISSO and SA (at a minimum) in the event of an audit processing failure.
SV-234060r612749_ruleFlaw remediation Tanium applications must employ automated mechanisms to determine the state of information system components with regard to flaw remediation using the following frequency: continuously, where HBSS is used; 30 days, for any additional internal network scans not covered by HBSS; and annually, for external scans by Computer Network Defense Service Provider (CNDSP).
SV-234061r612749_ruleTanium must notify SA and ISSO when accounts are created.
SV-234062r612749_ruleTanium must notify SA and ISSO when accounts are modified.
SV-234063r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must notify SA and ISSO of account enabling actions.
SV-234064r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must provide an immediate warning to the SA and ISSO (at a minimum) when allocated audit record storage volume reaches 75% of repository maximum audit record storage capacity.
SV-234065r612749_ruleThe Tanium enterprise audit log reduction option must be configured to provide alerts based off Tanium audit data.
SV-234066r612749_ruleCommon Access Card (CAC)-based authentication must be enabled and enforced on the Tanium Server for all access and all accounts.
SV-234067r612749_ruleTanium must notify SA and ISSO for account disabling actions.
SV-234068r612749_ruleTanium must notify SA and ISSO for account removal actions.
SV-234069r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must prohibit user installation of software without explicit privileged status.
SV-234070r612749_ruleDocumentation defining Tanium functional roles must be maintained.
SV-234071r612749_ruleThe Tanium database(s) must be installed on a separate system.
SV-234072r612749_ruleThe Tanium application database must be dedicated to only the Tanium application.
SV-234073r612749_ruleThe access to the Tanium SQL database must be restricted. Only the designated database administrator(s) can have elevated privileges to the Tanium SQL database.
SV-234074r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server installers account database permissions must be reduced to an appropriate level.
SV-234075r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Server-to-Database communications.
SV-234076r612749_ruleSQL stored queries or procedures installed during Tanium installation must be removed from the Tanium Server.
SV-234077r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server must protect the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted information, in preparation to be transmitted and data at rest, with cryptographic signing capabilities enabled to protect the authenticity of communications sessions when making requests from Tanium Clients.
SV-234078r612749_ruleThe Tanium Application Server console must be configured to initiate a session lock after a 15-minute period of inactivity.
SV-234079r612749_ruleTanium Trusted Content providers must be documented.
SV-234080r612749_ruleContent providers must provide their public key to the Tanium administrator to import for validating signed content.
SV-234081r612749_ruleTanium public keys of content providers must be validated against documented trusted content providers.
SV-234082r612749_ruleThe Tanium Action Approval feature must be enabled for two-person integrity when deploying actions to endpoints.
SV-234083r612749_ruleThe Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted Intel streams must be maintained.
SV-234084r612749_ruleThe Tanium Detect must be configured to receive IOC streams only from trusted sources.
SV-234085r612749_ruleThe Tanium Connect module must be configured to forward Tanium Detect events to identified destinations.
SV-234086r612749_ruleThe Tanium cryptographic signing capabilities must be enabled on the Tanium Server.
SV-234087r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server must be configured to only allow signed content to be imported.
SV-234088r612749_ruleAll installation files originally downloaded to the Tanium Server must be configured to download to a location other than the Tanium Server directory.
SV-234089r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Client-to-Server communications.
SV-234090r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Zone Server for Client-to-Zone Server communications.
SV-234091r612749_ruleThe Tanium Application Server must be configured to prohibit or restrict the use of organization-defined functions, ports, protocols, and/or services, as defined in the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments.
SV-234092r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server certificates must have Extended Key Usage entries for the serverAuth object TLS Web Server Authentication and the clientAuth object TLS Web Client Authentication.
SV-234093r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server certificate and private/public keys directory must be protected with appropriate permissions.
SV-234094r612749_ruleThe Tanium Module server must be installed on a separate system.
SV-234095r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server directory must be restricted with appropriate permissions.
SV-234096r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server http directory and sub-directories must be restricted with appropriate permissions.
SV-234097r612749_ruleThe permissions on the Tanium Server registry keys must be restricted to only the Tanium service account and the [Tanium Admins] group.
SV-234098r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server Logs and TDL_Logs directories must be restricted with appropriate permissions.
SV-234099r612749_ruleAll Active Directory accounts synchronized with Tanium for non-privileged functions must be non-privileged domain accounts.
SV-234100r612749_ruleA Tanium connector must be configured to send log data to an external audit log reduction capable system.
SV-234101r612749_ruleFile integrity monitoring of critical executables that Tanium uses must be configured.
SV-234102r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium module server to allow Server-to-Module Server communications from the Tanium Server.
SV-234103r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Server-to-Module Server communications.
SV-234104r612749_ruleFirewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Server-to-Zone Server communications.
SV-234105r612749_ruleThe SSLHonorCipherOrder must be configured to disable weak encryption algorithms on the Tanium Server.
SV-234106r612749_ruleThe Tanium Server certificate must be signed by a DoD Certificate Authority.
SV-234107r612749_ruleAny Tanium configured EMAIL RESULTS connectors must be configured to enable TLS/SSL to encrypt communications.
SV-234108r612749_ruleTanium Server files must be excluded from on-access antivirus actions.
SV-234109r612749_ruleTanium Server files must be protected from file encryption actions.
SV-234110r612749_ruleThe SSLCipherSuite must be configured to disable weak encryption algorithms on the Tanium Server.
SV-234111r612749_ruleThe Tanium max_soap_sessions_total setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
SV-234112r612749_ruleThe Tanium max_soap_sessions_per_user setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
SV-234113r612749_ruleThe Tanium soap_max_keep_alive setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
SV-234114r612749_ruleThe Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted folders for Detect Local Directory Source must be maintained.
SV-234115r612749_ruleThe Tanium Detect Local Directory Source must be configured to restrict access to only authorized maintainers of Intel.
SV-234116r612749_ruleThe Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted SCAP sources must be maintained.
SV-234117r612749_ruleThe Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted OVAL feeds must be maintained.
SV-234118r612749_ruleTanium Comply must be configured to receive SCAP content only from trusted sources.
SV-234119r612749_ruleTanium Comply must be configured to receive OVAL feeds only from trusted sources.
SV-234120r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must be configured in a High-Availability (HA) setup to ensure minimal loss of data and minimal disruption to mission processes in the event of a system failure.
SV-234121r612749_ruleThe bandwidth consumption for the Tanium Application server must be limited.
SV-234122r612749_ruleThe Tanium SQL Server RDBMS must be configured with sufficient free space to ensure audit logging is not impacted.
SV-234123r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must limit the bandwidth used in communicating with endpoints to prevent a Denial of Service (DoS) condition at the server.
SV-234124r612749_ruleThe Tanium Application Server must install security-relevant software updates within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).
SV-234125r612749_ruleTanium Server files must be excluded from host-based intrusion prevention intervention.
SV-234126r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must set an absolute timeout for sessions.
SV-234127r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must set an inactive timeout for sessions.
SV-234128r612749_ruleThe Tanium application service must be protected from being stopped by a non-privileged user.
SV-234129r612749_ruleThe Tanium web server must be tuned to handle the operational requirements of the hosted application.
SV-234130r612749_ruleThe Tanium application, SQL and Module servers must all be configured to communicate using TLS 1.2 Strict Only.
SV-234131r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must be configured to communicate using TLS 1.2 Strict Only.
SV-234132r612749_ruleThe Tanium application must be configured to communicate using TLS 1.2 Strict Only.